T in the park 2010

T in the park 2010
Here is a shot of the crowd :)

Thursday 24 February 2011

Line up

The line up has now been put up on the T in the Park website, its looking really good and I'm not really buzzing to go :)

Also tomorrow is the last day where tickets will be on sale, gd luck getting your ticket! ...If your not fortunate enough to get a ticket feel free to comment me I know a few people selling tickets due to work commitments etc

Friday 3 December 2010

Foo Fighters!!

It was released yesterday that the Foo Fighters will be one of the headlining acts at T in The park 2011! They were last at T in the Park in 2005

More of the artists appearing at T will be released through the T lady next year :)

Friday 19 November 2010

Big News!!

To all of those wanting tickets for 2011, you might want to get your money all organised and the computer free for Friday 3rd December at 9am. A limited number of tickets are being released! Good Luck gettting your ticket :)
P.S. Now is a good time to get them if you want to beat the VAT increase!

Monday 15 November 2010

My Time at T

Me and a group of my friends left at 5am to head to Kinross, we hoped to beat the traffic which was quite quiet at this time :) we did however underestimate the amount of stuff we would be taking and therefore the car was a bit of a squash!

We arrived the queue wasn’t bad and by lunch time we were building the tent which I had already tried in my back garden, shame I hadn't paid more attention when got my little brother to do it because I stood in the rain for nearly an hour fighting with the poles, eventually the tent got built and I apologised for having waved the poles in my friends faced in the threatening manner when they didn't help!

The weekend from here became a blur of amazing music and a great laugh with friends. We all started off trying to look our best but quickly realised it was impossible and got really into the camping life :) The only thing that I didn't enjoy was toilets they really weren't great after hundreds of people had used them however they were ok in the morning after being cleaned and the ones in the arena have stewards and were much cleaner :)
Here are a few of my favourite performances...

 My group had a great a laugh over the weekend and when we weren't enjoying the music we were laughing at each over for example a friend was sitting on one the arm of the chairs in the tent as we didn’t have enough seats and the arm broke leaving her lying on the floor was all very funny and the time.

The best bit was all the people we meet and how at T almost everyone is friends however I don’t think my friend will ever want to be friends with the drunk guy who threw the pint over her while she was sitting waiting for black eyed peas to come on ( I am very sorry I laughed ).

The drive home involved a stop for what felt like the best mcds ever and a shower when I arrived home at 3am, after my mum said I stank :(

Wednesday 10 November 2010


T in the Park also has a fair ground in the arena, many of these rides come from M&Ds at Strathclyde Country Park, this is usually very popular

If you are planning to arrive on the Thursday then there is a cinema which will show a few films in the evening on the campsite.

Market Stalls
There are market stalls in the campsite and the arena where you will be able to by TITP merchandise and clothes and food :)

Fancy Dress
On the Friday the people from TITP usually have a fancy dress event, which includes some great prizes, look out for info on the website.

Bacardi B- Live
If you are lucky enough to get in the VIP area then here you can get cocktail classes :)

Saturday 6 November 2010

Kings of Leon ?

It has been said by many that kings on Leon will perform at TITP 2011 as they have released a new album and will be on tour next year !

Friday 5 November 2010


Main Stage
This is the stage where the headlines and big acts go

Radio 1/ NME
In 2010 this was next to the main stage and usually has some big acts too

King Tut's Wah Wah Tent
Is inspired form the king tuts venue in Glasgow and always has a great atmosphere

Slam Tent
This is the sub bass tent

Red Bull Bedroom Jam
This tent is full of future stars

BBC Introducing
This is where the unsigned artists play

T Break Stage
All new artists

Celidh Tent
If you fancy a bit of Celidh dancing this is the place to go

Bacardi B live
Party tent

Boom Bus
Big bus that drives round the campsite blasting out music