T in the park 2010

T in the park 2010
Here is a shot of the crowd :)

Thursday 30 September 2010

Buying a ticket :)

Buying a ticket can be stressful. Last year I bought two tickets from eBay from a power seller who emailed me a copy of his receipt and confirmation. My thoughts at the time were that the tickets must be real because I have what I thought was proof that they existed. How wrong could I be in the few week running up to TITP waiting on my tickets....think the post man thought I was stalking him. With a week to go and no tickets I started to panic and got in contact with eBay and found out there was no tickets :(. I was so disappointed but thankfully a friend had a few spares which she sold me and a few weeks after TITP I got my money back because I paid by credit card. I would recommend if you are buying tickets that you get them through the official website or from trusted friends as fake tickets are easy money for people!

There are a few different types of ticket you can get you can either get:
Day Ticket- These can be bought for just one day and does not allow access to the campsite area.
Weekend Camping Ticket- These allow access to the campsite and the arena from Friday to Sunday.
Thursday Camping Ticket- These tickets allow you to arrive a day early and get a good camping space and have access to the campsite and arena all weekend.

You can also get added extras to your ticket such as a space in the car park, a locker or bus transfer ( this is usually available from selected areas which are all listed straight to the campsite)
Here are a few of the trusted websites where you can get your tickets:


Wednesday 29 September 2010


Hi guys :) 
I was at T in the Park 2010, it was amazing!!!! I did however worry I wouldn't have some of the stuff I really needed and therefore could barely walk after the rucksack was on......not something I will do again. I do now feel I have compiled a list of all the essential needs so thought I would share them although really we all know that you just need booze! Also I thought I would share a few of my tales from the weekend hopefully you will find them as funny as my friends did :)