T in the park 2010

T in the park 2010
Here is a shot of the crowd :)

Friday 3 December 2010

Foo Fighters!!

It was released yesterday that the Foo Fighters will be one of the headlining acts at T in The park 2011! They were last at T in the Park in 2005

More of the artists appearing at T will be released through the T lady next year :)

Friday 19 November 2010

Big News!!

To all of those wanting tickets for 2011, you might want to get your money all organised and the computer free for Friday 3rd December at 9am. A limited number of tickets are being released! Good Luck gettting your ticket :)
P.S. Now is a good time to get them if you want to beat the VAT increase!

Monday 15 November 2010

My Time at T

Me and a group of my friends left at 5am to head to Kinross, we hoped to beat the traffic which was quite quiet at this time :) we did however underestimate the amount of stuff we would be taking and therefore the car was a bit of a squash!

We arrived the queue wasn’t bad and by lunch time we were building the tent which I had already tried in my back garden, shame I hadn't paid more attention when got my little brother to do it because I stood in the rain for nearly an hour fighting with the poles, eventually the tent got built and I apologised for having waved the poles in my friends faced in the threatening manner when they didn't help!

The weekend from here became a blur of amazing music and a great laugh with friends. We all started off trying to look our best but quickly realised it was impossible and got really into the camping life :) The only thing that I didn't enjoy was toilets they really weren't great after hundreds of people had used them however they were ok in the morning after being cleaned and the ones in the arena have stewards and were much cleaner :)
Here are a few of my favourite performances...

 My group had a great a laugh over the weekend and when we weren't enjoying the music we were laughing at each over for example a friend was sitting on one the arm of the chairs in the tent as we didn’t have enough seats and the arm broke leaving her lying on the floor was all very funny and the time.

The best bit was all the people we meet and how at T almost everyone is friends however I don’t think my friend will ever want to be friends with the drunk guy who threw the pint over her while she was sitting waiting for black eyed peas to come on ( I am very sorry I laughed ).

The drive home involved a stop for what felt like the best mcds ever and a shower when I arrived home at 3am, after my mum said I stank :(

Wednesday 10 November 2010


T in the Park also has a fair ground in the arena, many of these rides come from M&Ds at Strathclyde Country Park, this is usually very popular

If you are planning to arrive on the Thursday then there is a cinema which will show a few films in the evening on the campsite.

Market Stalls
There are market stalls in the campsite and the arena where you will be able to by TITP merchandise and clothes and food :)

Fancy Dress
On the Friday the people from TITP usually have a fancy dress event, which includes some great prizes, look out for info on the website.

Bacardi B- Live
If you are lucky enough to get in the VIP area then here you can get cocktail classes :)

Saturday 6 November 2010

Kings of Leon ?

It has been said by many that kings on Leon will perform at TITP 2011 as they have released a new album and will be on tour next year !

Friday 5 November 2010


Main Stage
This is the stage where the headlines and big acts go

Radio 1/ NME
In 2010 this was next to the main stage and usually has some big acts too

King Tut's Wah Wah Tent
Is inspired form the king tuts venue in Glasgow and always has a great atmosphere

Slam Tent
This is the sub bass tent

Red Bull Bedroom Jam
This tent is full of future stars

BBC Introducing
This is where the unsigned artists play

T Break Stage
All new artists

Celidh Tent
If you fancy a bit of Celidh dancing this is the place to go

Bacardi B live
Party tent

Boom Bus
Big bus that drives round the campsite blasting out music

Wednesday 3 November 2010

Citizen T

With 70,000 campers in 2010 a few rules have been introduced the people who organise TITP are hopeful it will make the campsite feel more like a community:

We pledge allegiance to T in the Park and believe in being good citizens.
2.    BIN IT
Rubbish belongs in the bin. We’ll make sure it gets there.
We’ll take it home and re-use it
We pledge to look after each other
Festival staff are here to help. Have fun but stay safe.

Pre-order drink :)

Its now only 246 days to go till TTIP 2010!

That means in 246 days you will be carrying loads of stuff to the campsite, thinking you’re never going to get there. Fancy making your load a little lighter? You can pre-order your cans of Tennants :), this means you don't have to carry them, just bring your ID and the receipt. There is a pick up point on the campsite; it is usually near the lockers and phone chargers.
You need to do this a few weeks in advance on the Tennants website!


 4 cans are £4.25
12 cans are £12.50
24 cans are £25.00

Wednesday 27 October 2010


T in the Park started in 1994, it was held in Strathclyde Country Park near Glasgow. By 1997 it had out grew Strathclyde Country Park and moved to an old disused airfield named Balado airfield in Kinross.
It is currently Scotland's biggest festival and has a great reputation!

Dates for TITP 2011

The dates for T in the Park 2011 are Friday the 8th July until Sunday 10th July, if you have a Thursday ticket you can arrive on Thursday 7th July.
A few weeks before the weekend begins a map of the site will be released, I would recommend you download a copy from the T in the Park website as its a big and busy site!

Tuesday 26 October 2010


The blog has been live now for a few weeks so I am looking to get some feed back from You!!! Please feel free to leave comments detailing any information you have found useful or would like to have on the blog
Thanks :)

Monday 25 October 2010

Not sure about Camping?

If the thought of camping in a tent puts you off TITP you have a few other options :).

CAMPERVAN- You can take your own camper van and have a 7m by 7m space for it. To do this you must have a Thursday Camping ticket and add your campervan to this. There are no hook ups for water or electricity and you are limited to one CPG gas cylinder per van! Also there is limited space for campervans so you would have to act quickly to do this!

TANGERINE FIELDS- This is a separate camping area with ready pitched and equipped tents :); this area also has a block of showers and toilets which are looked after by a group of stewards. Traditionally the Tangerine Fields are a little quieter. To do this you have to add this on to you regular ticket.

THE RESIDENCE- For those of you with a little more money to spend you can chose to stay in the residence, there is a few options for this such as a tipi or a podpad house (see the TITP website for more info). This is a separate area which also has a cafe and bar, premium toilets and also a festival recovery spa!
You need to but a residence package ticket to stay here, this package includes accommodation, festival ticket, and parking and VIP access.

All of these options can be add to your ticket al the time of purchase, just follow the steps given however I would recommend that you have decided where you want to stay before you try to buy tickets!

There is also Refresh is usually £20 for the weekend or £3 per visit and allows you to use posh toilets, have some pampering, use private showers and they also have a salon where you can get your hair done :) (This is usually very busy so you need to go early to avoid the queues)

Wednesday 20 October 2010

What to expect when you arrive

If you arrive by bus there is a drop-off point for you and if you drive then you have a car park (a massive field) both of these lead to a path which is well sign posted. This path goes round the outside of the site; sadly you can't see must due to the walls. You just keep following the path till you reach a queue, this is a long walk especially with all your stuff but just keep thinking about how amazing the weekend it going to be :). When you reach the queue you will have a bit of a wait but it gives you a chance of a rest before you have to walk through the camp site. When you reach the end of the line you get your band put on after getting your ticket scanned. At this point you may also get your bag checked. You must keep this band on to get back into the campsite; you will also need your ticket!

Day Passes
If you are planning to got to T for the day then you have a separate drop-off point from the bus and also a separate area to park from campers but don't worry this is all clearly sign posted. You follow the path a short way until you see a row of gates theses are for day entry and again are clearly sign posted. Here they will scan your ticket and let you through the gate.

I am sure that you will find your way easily but if in any doubt follow the crowds and ask a steward :)

Getting to TITP

If you are planning to drive there you will find there is a mass of parked cars all in rows. I would recommend you find a landmark or get something for your car so that you can easily find it as we spent what felt like an age looking for our car when it was time to come home.

If you the bus there is a drop off point which lead to the path of the campsite and another drop of point for people just going for this day this however is all clearly sign posted :)

The post code for Balado Airfield, Kinross is KY13 0NW

Wednesday 13 October 2010


Before leaving for T in the Park I was trying to get as much food as possible into my rucksack thinking that when I was there I would have limited food options, in my head I was thinking there would a few greasy burger vans at best. I was very wrong I had plenty of choice over the weekend although some of it was quite expensive. They have stands with almost every type of food you could think of, on the Sunday I even had a crepe filled with marshmallows that had been made right in front of me :). They also have healthy T which provided healthier food options; you can read lots more about this on the T in the Park website!

Tuesday 12 October 2010

Will Biffy Clyro be making their 10th appearence??

Biffy Clyro first appeared at T in the Park in 1999 and have now played 9 times! It has been rumoured that they Will appear again in 2011. They have been in attendance nearly every year since 1999 and every year have given a great performance. I saw them in 2010 and though they were amazing, they really had the crowd going! If they appear in 2011 I will definitely be there to see them :)

Wednesday 6 October 2010

New to TITP

If you have never been to T in the Park and are planning to go in 2011 or are even just thinking about it you should have a look on the official website and see the pictures from last year! They will definitely get you in the mood for what is sure to be one of the music highlights of 2011! Also this is a good place to watch out for the first news on date for the release of tickets and also the place to get the gossip for 2011 :)

Tuesday 5 October 2010


I really would recommend getting a fairly decent tent as a few of my friends bought really cheap ones and them either blew away, ripped or leaked. One of my friends even woke up in a massive puddle! Also once you have bought the tent I would recommend trying it out in the back garden first. I arrived on site with mine and discovered that easy build meant standing in the rain attempting to read impossible instructions while trying to differentiate between poles A and b both of which were almost identical! I also found when I was choosing a tent that when they say four man tent they mean four small men with no bags, therefore I would check you are going to actually have enough room for you and your friends.
When your tent is up I would recommend keeping as much of your stuff as possible inside the tent as on the Saturday morning I found a very hung over guy who had lost his shoes trying to steal my friends! I gave him a can of tennants and sent him on his way :).

Friday 1 October 2010

Essentials List

Booze- you can buy it there but you will pay a lot more
Resolve- will sort the hangover out and set you up to do it all again :)
Jumpers- it can get cold at night
Wellies- if it rains you don't want to be wading through the mud in flip flops
Sunglasses- everyone else will have a pair on and cover those dark sleep deprived eyes
Deodorant - must when you don't shower for four days!!
Money- for food and more booze :)
Camera- will help you remember the blurry bits
Hat- helps keep the unwashed hair under control
Phone and maybe a spare- So you can keep in touch with your friends when you get lost in the crowd, a spare will ensure you will have a back up when the battery dies!
Paracetamol- for the times you can't face drinking a Resolve
Pro Plus
Rain Jacket- remember its still Scotland

Sun cream- wishful thinking :)
Jogging bottoms- great for sleeping in
Torch- only way you will find the toilets in the dark
Chair- if you have no chair you will have to sit in your tent all the time
TOILET PAPER- there is no way there will already be some in the toilet!!!!
Hand Wash- I doubt you will want to use the sink in the toilet
Snacks- good for when you get the drunken munches although there is plenty food options there it can be expensive
Toothbrush and Toothpaste- you will however need a bottle of water when you brush your teeth too

For the girls:
Tinted Moisturizer
Lip Gloss
Dry Shampoo
Hair Brush
(We will want to look good, well at least make an attempt lol)

I would suggest a rucksack to put it all in, you will have to carry it a fair distance!!!

Thursday 30 September 2010

Buying a ticket :)

Buying a ticket can be stressful. Last year I bought two tickets from eBay from a power seller who emailed me a copy of his receipt and confirmation. My thoughts at the time were that the tickets must be real because I have what I thought was proof that they existed. How wrong could I be in the few week running up to TITP waiting on my tickets....think the post man thought I was stalking him. With a week to go and no tickets I started to panic and got in contact with eBay and found out there was no tickets :(. I was so disappointed but thankfully a friend had a few spares which she sold me and a few weeks after TITP I got my money back because I paid by credit card. I would recommend if you are buying tickets that you get them through the official website or from trusted friends as fake tickets are easy money for people!

There are a few different types of ticket you can get you can either get:
Day Ticket- These can be bought for just one day and does not allow access to the campsite area.
Weekend Camping Ticket- These allow access to the campsite and the arena from Friday to Sunday.
Thursday Camping Ticket- These tickets allow you to arrive a day early and get a good camping space and have access to the campsite and arena all weekend.

You can also get added extras to your ticket such as a space in the car park, a locker or bus transfer ( this is usually available from selected areas which are all listed straight to the campsite)
Here are a few of the trusted websites where you can get your tickets:


Wednesday 29 September 2010


Hi guys :) 
I was at T in the Park 2010, it was amazing!!!! I did however worry I wouldn't have some of the stuff I really needed and therefore could barely walk after the rucksack was on......not something I will do again. I do now feel I have compiled a list of all the essential needs so thought I would share them although really we all know that you just need booze! Also I thought I would share a few of my tales from the weekend hopefully you will find them as funny as my friends did :)